Saturday, 16 February 2013

Chocolate Mug Cake

The fastest delish supper evah. Oh it does look like rose petals isn't it? Hehe.
First round.
I dusted some icing sugar and ate it with cream for second round.
Main tepek je cream cenggitu dah lapar sangat. Haha -.-


  • 2 tbsp self raising flour (not heaped or level – but in between)
  • 2 tbsp castor sugar (gula biasa pun boleh)
  • 1 tbsp cocoa
  • 1 tsp instant coffee powder (optional)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp milk
  • 1 tbsp sunflower oil
  • few choc chips (optional)

Grab large mug. I usually use tall mug diameter kecik so nanti cake tu masak inside out. 
Spoon the dry ingredients into the mug and mix well. 
Crack in the egg and whisk to combine with a fork. 
Drizzle in the milk and oil and stir. 
Drop in a few choc buttons. (optional)
Place into a microwave and cook for 2 ½ mins on full power. (I used 700 watts)
Leave to rest for 1 minute then eat with lashings of cream or ice cream. (Boleh dust icing sugar jugak)

Jangan panic bila tengok kek tu naik dalam microwave. Bila siap nanti, dah sejuk dia kecut balik.
Do not overcook okay nanti cake jadi plasticine keras liat cenggitu i tak tau. Hehe. Jangan lupa baca bismillah dulu before buat tau :)

Oh lupa satu lagi, i let it rest kejap after dah mix ingredients semua tu. So that rising flour buat space dalam cake, spongy sikit ;)


Sunday, 10 February 2013

Tiramisu Cake - Moist

A friend of mine ajak pegi rumah for lepaks and lunch.
I asked them what do u guys want for dessert? 
Tiramisu Cake! 

Excuse the cincai decoration LOL, nak cepat gi rumah dierang.

As most of us know, selalunya Tiramisu ni orang beli je kek yang dah siap pastu curah-curah air nescafe kat kek tu. Tapi, i macam tak berapa suka keluar rumah so i baked the cake myself.
I tak tau la ini consider malas ke rajin ke apa entah. Malas keluar padahal kedai sebelah rumah pahtu rajin pulak kau pegi buat kek tu sendiri. Takpe, pengalaman itu penting. Cewah. 



  • 250 gm butter
  • 220 gm castor sugar
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 tsp vanila essence
  • 300 gm raising flour
  • 1/2 cup fresh milk
  • 3 in 1 coffee sachet ( i use half of it) - coffee powder nescafe pun boleh


  • Cream cheese
  • Fresh cream
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • Castor sugar - depends, if u like it sweet letakla banyak. I letak sikit je sebab cake td da ada gula.
  • 3 in 1 coffee sachet - depends on how much u love the coffee taste, kalau suka strong guna strong coffee powder. I love 3 in 1 cause the coffee taste wouldn't be that strong. To me, mild je dah sedap pahit sangat i kenot go.

  1. Panaskan oven. Mix butter dengan gula sampai gebu guna mixer. Masukkan telur satu persatu. 
  2. Masukkan esen vanila, susu dan gaul rata. 
  3. Masukkan tepung dan coffee sachet yang dah diayak sambil dikaup balik.
  4. Bake at 170 degree c for 40 minutes - check dah masak belum, lain oven lain cerita dia, kalau tak masak lagi sambung bake for few more minutes.
  5. Dah masak biar kek ke tepi. Let it cool.
  6. Now, prepare the filling. Guna mixer and beat the fresh cream sampai kembang jadi whipped cream. Add castor sugar. Lepas da kembang tu masukkan cream cheese, vanilla essence and lastly coffee powder.
  7. Cut the cake horizontally into four.
  8. Assemble them selang seli dengan filling u buat tadi tu.
  9. Simpan dalam fridge overnight.
  10. For garnishing boleh sift cocoa powder or coffee 3 in 1 tu tabur-tabur. I usually asingkan sikit filling untuk buat topping cake. So buat banyak pun sedap je filling ni boleh salut satu cake lagi cantik. Nak buat filling tu, keep on rasa sambil mix. Tawar add sugar, kurang cheesy tambah cream cheese, tak rasa coffee tambah lagi coffee. Whipped cream yang da siap pun ada kalau malas nak beat fresh cream guna mixer.

So my friend decided to make an extra decoration for her slice.
Cewah, 5 star habis dah ni. Macam kat hotel mewah ni.
Mine is an epic fail, so takyah upload. Haha.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Laksa Penang versi oversea

I am still on holiday and i crave for Laksa Penang so so bad im dreaming of it at 4 in the morning! 
Too bad i couldn't find it anywhere here in Dublin. 
Probably because i don't go out that much i haven't explored Dubs enough.

So...pendek cerita, i invented my own version of Laksa Penang. Yeay!

Aisyah is my co-chef anyway, and tukang beli daun kesum. Teheee.

Laksa Penang
Serious nak menitik air mata sambil makan sobs

Ramai gilaa kawan i yang duk kat overseas inbox me for the recipe when i posted this on facebook. 

So here i am typing this, senang nanti bagi link je.
Oh orang Malaysia takyah ikut kut, this post is dedicated to oversea students specifically.

Desperate mode is on okay guys because there is no ikan kembung over here and the original mee laksa, ugghhh i don't know where to find it.


Ikan Kembung - Tuna in brine

Mee laksa - Udon mee or spaghetti

Tu jela kut yang payah cari kat sini. Udon mee is the closest to mee laksa, maybe they are the same thing jugak kut LOL. Cari udon mee kat asia market. Kalau tak jumpa, guna spaghetti. 

Tapi, kena make sure rebus spaghetti tu lama sampai beliau betul-betul lembut. Ulang suara, lembut, bukan kenyal tahu. 
For fish, i'm not sure ikan lain cemana but tuna? Bersepah kat oversea so i just grabbed em. Dahla takde tulang, easy peasy.

I tell u what, the taste sama sebijik macam laksa penang kat Malaysia even though guna bahan lain. Berani kerat jari ni. So, no worries, if u do it right, u will surprise your own taste bud ;)

Extra info:

Daun kesum is labelled as Polygonum leaves kat supermarket.
Kalau u tanya cashier "Where is daun kesum?" Memang sampai tahun depan la tak masak Laksa Penang cerita dia.

I shopping kat whatsapp and Aisyah sent me this picture.
"Yes ecah, that's polygonum aka daun kesum. Bring that baby to me!"



Timun - hiris
Salad- hiris
Bawang merah - hiris
Lada merah - hiris
Limau nipis / kasturi - kalau tak jumpe, lemon pun boleh kut
Telur rebus - ini bukan ulam tahu i tulis jela sekali kat sini


3 cans of tuna in brine (215g) - chunks/steak sama je, kalau nak kuah pekat add more cans of tuna
10-12 keping asam keping
2 biji besar bawang merah - u know this bawang merah in oversea, jarang jual yang kecik-kecik
1 biji bawang besar - this one bukan red onion, bawang ni tambah rasa manis sikit
3 biji bawang putih
3 cm belacan - takyah over measure dengan pembaris okeh hahah agak-agak je sudeh
4 sudu lada kering kisar - depends u nak pedas cemana takyah ikut 4 sudu nak 4 baldi pon boleh 
Bunga kantan - cari kat asia market
Daun kesum - cari kat asia market jugak
Kasih sayang- the most most crucial ingredient :p

I guna yang ni, tapi ada tulis in brine la, bukan sunflower oil or whatnot.
But i think there are dry tuna maybe boleh guna yang tu jugak so then u takyah tapis the brine. 

Brine is basically salty water.

To be honest, i'm the type yang campak-campak bila masak. Bukanla campak kuali gaduh ngan laki, kawing pon belum lagi. Ini campak bahan dalam kuali, bajet Harry Potter gitu macam buat potion.

So i suggest, u do the same sebab rambut sama hitam, lidah lain-lain sukahati buat peribahasa sendiri. 

To me, lagi banyak bawang lagi sedap selalunya tapi janganla over bawang doploh bijik.
Do not stick to this recipe 100% u have to learn on campak-campak jugak. Belacan tu, lebih pun sedap. Daun kesum and asam keping too. Nak letak halia pun boleh. The key is, keep on rasa kuah laksa tu while you are cooking it, tambah apa patut sampai pueh hati, do u copy?

How to cook:

  1. Rebus udon mee or spaghetti. Toskan.
  2. Memandangkan tuna dah berendam dalam brine, so i toskan brine tu dulu. Get rid of that salty water.
  3. Rebus tuna, air agak-agak je. I don't add salt at this stage because they already are in brine previously.
  4. Asingkan tuna rebus and DO NOT throw away air rebusan tuna.
  5. Blend your tuna rebus bebeh. I don't like it terlalu hancur sebab nanti macam habuk pulak jadinya. Blend it slow and steady. Ceh slow and steady macam nak gi ngorat awek je bunyi.
  6. Asingkan tuna rebus yang dah blend tu.
  7. Now, blend pulak bawang merah, bawang besar, bawang putih.
  8. Air rebusan tuna yang u biar dalam periuk tadi tu, panaskan. 
  9. Campurkan bahan kisar termasukla blended tuna.
  10. Masukkan blended lada kering, ikutla berapa sudu nak pedas letak lebih. Nak pedas lagi hiris cili padi atau kisar cili padi sekali dengan adik-beradik bawang tadi. Si putih, si merah, si besar.
  11. Masukkan bunga kantan dan daun kesum. Kalau takde bunga kantan pun takpe je, Mok Cik Kelsom sorang pun dah sedap.
  12. Kacau kuah. Kalau nak kuah pekat, jangan letak banyak air. Agak-agak okay :)
  13. Masak sampai mendidih. Tambah garam secukup rasa. Campak apa patut at this stage, ikotla nak jadi Harry Potter ke, Hermione ke, Voldemort pon boleh. Tapi sebut Bismillah tiap kali nak campak, bukan Avada Kadavra. Mati pulak laksa u tu kang. 
  14. Siap! Hidangkan dengan ulam.

This is my second round of laksa. Another bowl is Aisyah's third round of laksa.
Alhamdulillah menjadi walaupun kamikaze je cipta resepi sendiri.

This is Felicity's second round.
Feli approved the taste. Katanya, bukti adalah mangkuk licin for the second time.

And i made Banana Split for our dessert. 
Tapi tak splitkan pisang tu pun, lagi kenyang makan sebijik gitu LOL.

Fried Ice Cream too :)

Thats Aisyah and Felicity!
I feed them Nasi Minyak pulak on the next day. Haha -.-

We are, officially, happy kids :)

p/s: try it and lemme know if it works ye rakan obersi ku sekalian!

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Butter Cake - Marble

Dah makan separuh baru amik gamba teheeee

1st recipe


  • 250 gm butter
  • 220 gm castor sugar
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 tsp vanila essence
  • 300 gm raising flour
  • 1/2 cup fresh milk

  1. Panaskan oven. Pukul butter dengan gula hingga ia menjadi gebu. Masukkan telur satu persatu. Kemudian masukkan esen vanila dan susu dan gaul rata. Akhir sekali, masukkan tepung yang telah diayak sambil dikaup balik.
  2. Tips : Kalau tak suka manis, boleh guna separuh dari 220gm gula kastor tu..separuh lagi pakai glukos.. ingat tau, kalau buat kek memang kita takleh kurangkan gula..sbb nnti kek msti tak jadi atau ada masalah.. so, gantikan dengan glukos..gula separuh + glukos separuh = 220 gm (utk kandungan gula dalam adunan)
  3. Bake at 170 degree c for 40 minutes

2nd recipe

Ingredients: (no measuring scale)

  • 4 biji telur
  • 1 buku butter
  • 2 cawan tepung naik sendiri
  • 1 cawan gula kasar
  • esen vanilla

  1. asingkan telur putih dan telur kuning.
  2. putarkan gula bersama telur kuning dan butter.
  3. setelah kembang masukkann tepung perlahan dan diikuti esen vanilla.
  4. putar telur putih sehinnga kembang dan masukkan ke dalam adunan tadi.
  5. setelah sebati masukkan ke dalam loyang yang telah di sapu dengan butter.
  6. bakar selama 45 minit dengan suhu 180 darjah celcius.


Whipped cream + Cream cheese + Castor sugar

p/s: The one in picture is the 1st recipe.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Shrimp Tempura

Monday, 4 February 2013

Egg Floss Butter Prawn

I skipped the corn flour sebab takde kat dapur.


1/2 pound of large shrimp/prawns – leave half shell on
2 tbsp cornstarch
2 sprigs curry leaves

1 shallot – sliced thinly 
4 garlics - sliced thinly
3 bird eyes chilies – cut small (or cili kering)
1/4 cup milk
Salt and pepper to taste

2 tbsp butter

Ingredients for egg floss:

3 egg yolk
4 tbsp butter
3 tbsp vegetable oil

1. Clean and pat dry the prawns in paper towel. Season them with a bit of salt and pepper. Lightly coat them with some cornstarch.
2. Heat up the wok with a bit of vegetable oil. Pan fried the prawns until lightly brown on both side. Remove and drain the oil on paper towel.

3. To make the egg floss, heat up the butter and vegetable oil. Carefully drizzle in the beaten egg yolks into the hot oil in a thin stream. When the eggs hit the oil, stir it around so they don’t clump up together.
(stir it fast bebeh) Continue to stir until the egg floss is golden brown. Remove the floss and drain them on paper towel
4. Remove any access oil from the wok and wipe it clean, add in the tablespoon of butter. Toss in the shallots, curry leaves and chilies. Stir until fragrant. Add in the milk and continue to stir until the milk bubble and reduce.

5. Add in the prawns and give it a good stir to coat the sauce. Add in the egg floss, sprinkle in sugar, salt and pepper. Toss it really well. Dish out and serve immediately.

Tiara's tips for egg floss:
Before curah egg yolk dalam kuali make sure minyak panas betul2. Pastu letak butter dlm minyak tu and then the moment u nak letak beaten egg yolk, kena curah tinggi2 and AT THE SAME TIME kena kacau kuali dengan senduk. Senduk tu yang macam mangkuk tahu? bukan yang leper buat nasi goreng tu. Kacau laju2 in circular motion. Bila dia macam berbuih kira jadi la kut. Bace doa sikit haha. Both hands play important role simultaneously i tell u. Ha paham ke? Tak paham kita buat scramble egg jela ye.


masak belaka atas dapur, add according to sequence on the memo
bake at 180c for 30 to 40 minutes

Strawberry Cheesecake - Bake

Loving this!


2 cream cheese (500g)
1/4 cup castor sugar
3 eggs
110g butter

Strawberry topping

1/3 cup white sugar
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups strawberry


1 pack of dugestive biscuits
Crush biscuits + butter for base
Pressed evenly on baking pan 

1) Beat cream cheese and sugar - till light and fluffy

2) Add butter
3) Add in eggs one by one

4) Pour batter into baking pan

5) Bake at 180c - 30 to 40 minutes


My first trial buat pavlova.
Nasib baik jadi.
*nanges lagi*

copy paste:

4 biji putih telur anggaran 120gms 
200gms gula halus 
1 s/b tepung jagung
1 s/k cuka masak
1 s/k vanilla

1 botol double cream
sedikit vanilla
buah2an ikut suke sebaik2nya guna buah2 yg masam
hiasan : gula icing or choc curls

1. panaskan oven 180C
2. kalu nk cantik bentuk bulat dia bole lukis siap2 bulatan bwh baking sheet boundary dia 
3. pukul putih telur sampai stiff , kemudian masukkan gula sikit demi skit pukul lg sampai peak/bertanduk..adunan akan kelihatan glossy, pekat & kalu terbalikkan bowl ia takkan jatuh, make sure meringue dipukul sampai betui2 peak/bertanduk
4. kemudian masukkan tepung jagung, pukul kejap dlm 10saat jek, make sure dia sebati.
5. last sekali masukkan cuka & vanilla, fold meringe dgn spatula.
6. kalu suke bole masukkan beberapa titis pewarna gaul 2-3 kali sahaja utk dptkan jalur2an warna supaya pavlova cantik berseri
7. kemudian sendukkan adunan ke dlm mould td pastikan dia bulat, bole corakkan ikut suke, mama buat dia seakan2 ombak di bhgn tepi, make sure bhgn atas rata sbb nnti nk tabur toppings
8. masukkan dlm oven, tutup pintu oven pastu terus turunkan suhu kpd 130C (mama turunkan kpd 110C sbb guna fan oven) bakar selama 1 jam 15min ke1 jam 30min
9. dah siap, tutup oven..kemudian bole check pavlova , kalu dah masak selalu dia akan keras & ada crack skit shell dia, sejukkan pavlova dlm oven sampai betui2 sejuk (tips: pastikan pintu oven sedikit terbuka, selit oven gloves celah pintu oven supaya terbuka skit)
10. bila dah betui2 sejuk bole la angkat pavlova n letak atas serving plate.
11. sedikan toppings dgn beat cream sampai peak, masukkan icing sugar + vanilla adjut rasa manis...kemudian letak cream atas pavlova & taburkan buah2 atasnya..dusted with icing sugar or sprinkle with choc curls. hidang segera...

Blueberry Cheesecake

Sokmo la da makan separuh baru nak amik gamba.
Tummy will always be first priority :p


1 pack digestive biscuits
2 cream cheese (500g)
1/4 cup castor sugar
3 eggs
110g butter
Fresh blueberries

Blueberry topping

Blueberry jam and jelly (mix with hot water)
Fresh bluberries


crush biscuits + butter for base
pressed evenly 

mix cheese and sugar - whisk till light and fluffy

add butter
last - add eggs one by one

arrange fresh blueberries on the base

pour batter into baking pan

bake at 180c - 30 to 40 minutes

Spiral Potato

deep fried
salut tepung ayam if u like it that way, add black pepper coarse to add spice taste - coat with beaten egg first to make sure tepung lekat kat kentang
u may deep fry without any flour, dah masak add salt to taste
mayo, chilli sauce up to u bebeh


Spanish Omelette

Tiara's cincai omelette in 30 minutes.
I skipped tomato and green pepper sbb takde dalam fridge.

• ½ cup Olive Oil (minyak biasa pon boleh heh)
• ½ pound Potatoes (thinly sliced)
• Salt (to taste)
• Pepper (to taste)
• Onion (thinly sliced)
• Eggs
• Tomatoes (peeled, seeded and coarsely chopped)
• Green Peppers (chopped)

Goreng kentang dulu bagi lembut baru campur sekali dgn telur and other ingredients

Fruit tart

I tukar jadi fruit tart hahah.
Fruit Tart with Honey ;)

Ni resepi untuk buat tart case.

Kek Batik

i don't use milo at all for this kek batik sbb milo ireland mahal lol plus i don't like it sticky.


  • 2/3 bars of cooking chocolate or 200g milo 
  • half cup butter (I used salted butter for the sweet salty taste,u could use the unsalted one if u like)
  • 3 tbsp cocoa powder (if u like the cocoa taste)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1-2 teaspoon instant coffee granules (optional)
  • condensed milk or fresh milk (depends on how soft u want ur cake batik to be) i used half a cup (jgn byk sgt nnti lembik)
  • 1 packet of marie biscuits (use less or more depends on how you like it, I usually use 3/4 of a 300g packet)

masak atas dapur ikut sequence dari ingredients tu
da siap tuang dalam bekas, press evenly
sumbat dalam fridge
esok makan omnomnom

*for the topping, just asingkan melted chocolate before masukkan biskut

Kek batik ni actually campak2 je tak ikut sukatan pun takpe. Pahtu sambil godek dalam kuali tu colek ngan sudu and rasa. Kalau tawar campak gula. And if u like it soft, add more milk or hot water. If u like it crunchy jangan gatal la tambah air banyak2 heh. If u want it to be sticky add more milo. Tak suka sticky jangan letak milo. Pandai2 la yang penting ingredient utama iaitu kasih sayang kena ada hiks :)

Oh as for me i prefer chocolate lagi banyak dari bicuits pandai2 agak k ;)
Chocolate to Biscuits ratio?
Amboih over Tiara siap bagi ratio.

Please be careful masa nak letak telur tu, kalau panas sangat they will turn out to be scrambled egg in melted chocolate! Kacau laju2 masa nak masukkan tu or asingkan dalam bekas lain dulu. Tutup api kejap pon boleh.

Chocolate Lava

Second recipe


200g Dark Chocolate
1 cup Flour
1 cup sugar
3 egg yolks
2 eggs
3 tsp cocoa
1 tsp vanilla
100g butter (for chocolate & lining pots)

125g butter
125g flour
175g dark chocolate
2tb water
150g sugar
3 large eggs

Strawberry Cheesecake - Chill

125g of cream crackers - i used digestive biscuit
1 tbsp powdered sugar - sifted
80g unsalted butter - melted.

375g cream cheese
125g powdered sugar (sifted)
250g whipcream - whipped till stiff peak
3 tbsp limon juice - i used 2 tbsp
1 tbsp powdered gelatin
50 ml water

3 tbsp strawberry jam - i used 6 tbsp
1 tbsp hot water - i used 2 tbsp
fresh strawberries

In a food processor, bliz cream crackers until smooth
Mix the biscuits, powdered sugar and melted butter, mix well.
Pour into a baking pan, flatten and compact with the back of ur spoon or use cake lapis presser
Place in refrigerator for an hour.

Microwave gelatin & water on high .. stir and set aside.
Beat cream cheese and sugar until soft, add lemon juice, mix it again until blended.
Pour 1/3 whipped cream into cream cheese batter and stir well.
Pour back cream cheese mixture into whipped cream mixture and stir well.
Enter the solution of gelatin, stirring until blended.
Pour the batter into an 18cm pan, flatten it and keep it in refrigerator overnight.

Mix strawberry jam with hot water, stir and let cool.
Pour into chilled cheese cake, flatten add fresh strawberries.


Food to eat in Malaysia

  • Satay
  • Ikan pari bakar
  • Laksa penang
  • Roti canai telur T_T
  • Ketam lemak cili api T_T
  • Burger tepi jalan
  • Temosa andung
  • Mee jawa mak long
  • Bihun sup taman gelora
(please add more suggestions sobs i'm homesick)

Creamy Herbs Chicken with Lemon

Resepi ayam lemon dengan sos creamy ni memang paling cepat and senang nak buat. Sebab guna satu kuali je.